Here are a few (over 1,000!) pictures from RAYunion 2022 taken by Joe White.
As time permits, I will add captions to many photos.
These are low resolution pictures to simplify and speed up viewing on a smartphone. You can download full resolution pictures as follows: 1. Left-click on the thumbnail to get the full-resolution picture. 2. Right-click on the picture and select "Save Image As …" 3. Tell your machine where to save it.
Althoughout of "chronological order," this first batch of 46 pictures and 2 videos are from the luncheon and
Eternal Patrol Ceremony held on Friday, May 20, 2022, at the USS Alabama Battleship Memorial Park. Most of the photos previously posted
to the website were taken by Dan Marks, the RAYunion Webmaster, but because Dan was busy conducting the Eternal Patrol Ceremony,
photos of the Ceremony were conspicuously absent from the website. Special thanks to Joe White for capturing this
important part of the RAYunion so it could be added to the website.
The rest of Joe's Memorial Park photos are lower on this page,
Left-click on any thumbnail to view the full-resolution picture.
The crew begins to gather for the lunch and Eternal Patrol Ceremony.
Starting to line up for the buffet. It looks like the crew waiting for MidRats to get put out.
(l-r) Jonathan Morris (1987-1988) & Dwight Lowdermilk (1977-1981).
(l-r) Bob Reeter (1976-1978), Dan Marks (1974-1978) & Dwight Lowdermilk (1977-1981).
Michael Webster (1977-1978).
The Eternal Patrol Ceremony begins. Dan Marks (1974-1978) led the presentation and Dwight Lowdermilk (1977-1981)
tolled the bell as Dan read the name of each crewmember that had passed onto Eternal Patrol since the last RAYunion in 2017.
Dan Marks (1974-1978) gives the invocation.
The Pledge of Allegiance.
The Mobile, AL, American Legion presented the Colors.
NOTE: This is a short (10 second) video file. Left-click to play video.
The transcript of the entire ceremony may be viewed HERE.
NOTE: This is a short (25 second) video file. Left-click to play video.
The transcript of the entire ceremony may be viewed HERE.
Dwight Lowdermilk (1977-1981) tolled the bell as Dan Marks (1974-1978) read the name of each crewmember
that had passed onto Eternal Patrol since the last RAYunion in 2017.
This next batch of 121 photos were taken by Joe White on Thursday, May 19, 2022, mostly in the Hospitality Suite at the Holiday Inn
Mobile-Downtown/Historic District on Government Street.
Left-click on any thumbnail to view the full-resolution picture.
David Dougal (1986-1988) pondering which raffle box to drop his tickets into.
BZ to Greg (Chew) Howson (1976-1979) who organized all the prizes and conducted the raffle.
(l-r) Ed (Doc) Potts (1978-1981) & Michael Webster (1977-1978) congregate around the donuts that were
brought in each morning.
(l-r) John (Andy) Anderson (1975-1980), Harry Collins (1969-1971 & 1976-1978), and Greg (Chew) Howson (1976-1979).
In the background, (l-r) Plankowners Ray (Ray J) Hawes (1966-1969) & Bob Kinney (1966-1972).
A presentation of past RAYunion photos streamed continuously. On Friday evening, 05/20/2022, we had a
"Movie Night" for anyone that wasn't DINK. The featured movie, by popular demand, was
Down Periscope!
A constant flow of coffee was always on hand.
"The Missing Man" table.
"The Missing Man" table.
"The Missing Man" table.
"The Missing Man" table.
"The Missing Man" table.
"The Missing Man" table.
A few of the raffle items.
A few of the raffle items.
A few of the raffle items.
A few of the raffle items.
A few of the raffle items.
For an interesting story of the presentation of a piece of the plank to a previous USS Ray (SSR-271) crewmember
follow this LINK.
A few of the raffle items.
A few of the raffle items.
A few of the raffle items.
A few of the raffle items.
A few of the raffle items.
A few of the raffle items.
A few of the raffle items.
A few of the raffle items.
A few of the raffle items.
Plankowner Kenny Hicks (1966-1968) brought this flag for the crewmembers to sign. By the end of the
RAYunion there was little blank space left on the flag.
Each RAYunion attendee received a "Swag Bag."
Plenty of refreshments were available.
Including "liquid" refreshments.
"There ain't no slack on a Fast Attack"
(l-r) Harry Collins (1969-1971 & 1976-1978), John Frost (1973-1977) and Greg (Chew) Howson (1976-1979).
Note that Chew is wearing his shirt that was given to everyone that attended the 2005 RAYunion in Kings Bay, GA.
And it still fits like the day he got it!
Ed (Doc) Potts (1978-1981).
(l-r) John (Andy) Anderson (1975-1980), John Frost (1973-1977), Harry Collins (1969-1971 & 1976-1978),
and Carl Strukley (1975-1980).
(l-r) Plankowner Bob Kinney (1966-1972), Michael Webster (1977-1978) & David Dougal (1986-1988).
A few of the raffle items.
A few of the raffle items.
Views from the Holiday Inn onto Mobile Bay.
Views from the Holiday Inn onto Mobile Bay.
Views from the Holiday Inn onto Mobile Bay.
Views from the Holiday Inn onto Mobile Bay.
Views from the Holiday Inn onto Mobile Bay.
Views from the Holiday Inn onto Mobile Bay.
Views from the Holiday Inn onto Mobile Bay.
Views from the Holiday Inn onto Mobile Bay.
Views from the Holiday Inn onto Mobile Bay.
Views from the Holiday Inn onto Mobile Bay.
(l-r) Around the table: John (Andy) Anderson (1975-1980), Clark (Nelly) Nelson (1974-1977),
James (JJ or Bo) Jeffers (1974-1977), Dwight Lowdermilk (1977-1981), Ed (Doc) Potts (1978-1981),
Dan Marks (1974-1978) & Lon Bymers (1978-1980).
This boxed flask gift set was available for purchase.
(l-r) Around the Plankowners table: Owen (Coyote) Carlson (1966-1969), Stephanie Makus, Jack Golz (1966-1968),
Ray (Ray J) Hawes (1966-1969), Dwight Lowdermilk (1977-1981), Bob Kinney (1966-1972), Kenny Hicks (1966-1968)
& Sylvia Hicks.
(l-r) Jack Golz (1966-1968) & Ray (Ray J) Hawes (1966-1969).
Dwight Lowdermilk (1977-1981), the 2022 RAYunion Planning Committee Chair keeping things running smoothly.
(l-r) Bill Grey (1986-1989) & Kevin Bryant (1987-1991).
Scott Cox (1989-1989).
(l-r) Bill Grey (1986-1989) & Scott Cox (1989-1989).
(l-r) Troy Eubank (1983-1987) & Scott Oliver (1985-1989).
(l-r) Michael Webster (1977-1978), Troy Eubank (1983-1987) & Bill Grey (1986-1989).
(l-r, clockwise around the table) Grace Koucheravy & George (Eng) Koucheravy (1985-1988) (retired Capt.),
Jeff Angleberger (1982-1987) and Angel Angleberger (Wive's Ombudsman, 1984-1987).
(l-r) Art Vest (1977-1980) & Dan Marks (1974-1978).
Michael Webster (1977-1978).
(l-r) Troy Eubank (1983-1987) & Scott Oliver (1985-1989).
Dwight Lowdermilk (1977-1981), the 2022 RAYunion Planning Committee Chair keeping things running smoothly.
Dan Marks (1974-1978), RAYunion website Webmaster and 2022 RAYunion Planning Committee member.
Dwight Lowdermilk (1977-1981), the 2022 RAYunion Planning Committee Chair &
Dan Marks (1974-1978), RAYunion website Webmaster and 2022 RAYunion Planning Committee member.
Dwight Lowdermilk (1977-1981), the 2022 RAYunion Planning Committee Chair.
Med Run 89/90 "The Liberty Port Tour."
Thisnext batch of 428 photos were taken by Joe White on Friday, May 20, 2022, at the USS Alabama Battleship Memorial Park.
These are the rest of Joe's photos taken at the Memorial Park, including the USS Drum (SS-228), the USS Alabama (BB-60) and
the Aircraft Pavillion. The photos from the luncheon and Eternal Patrol Ceremony held at the Memorial Park are at the
TOP of this webpage.
Left-click on any thumbnail to view the full-resolution picture.
Bus ride to the USS Alabama Battleship Memorial Park, looking back at the Holiday Inn.
Bus ride to the USS Alabama Battleship Memorial Park, passing by the Mobile Government Plaza.
Arriving at the USS Alabama Battleship Memorial Park.
"Through these portals . . . " to the USS Drum.
USS Drum (SS-228) model and history.
USS Growler (SS-215), Japanese I-53, and German U-1105 models and history.
We were welcomed at the Park by Tom Bowser, responsible in large part for the restoration of the USS Drum (SS-228) who personally
gave us the tour of the boat. Tom was also the Keynote Speaker for our Dinner Banquet the following evening.
(l-r) Plankowners Bob Kinney (1966-1972) & Ray (Ray J) Hawes (1966-1969).
(l-r) Carl Strukley (1975-1980) & Steve (Buddha) Nelms (1977-1980).
The USS Drum logo.
Model of the CSS Hunley
(l-r) Paul (Crill Monster) Crilley (1989-1990) & Ed Daley (1987-1991).
The crew visited the "real" CSS Hunley at the Friends of the Hunley museum in
Charleston, SC, during the 2010 RAYunion.
Model of the CSS Hunley
(l-r) Plankowner Ray (Ray J) Hawes (1966-1969), Plankowner Bob Kinney (1966-1972) (slightly behind Ray J) & Paul (Crill Monster) Crilley (1989-1990)
Approach to the USS Drum (SS-228).
Memorial to the USS Herring (SS-233).
Medal of Honor Citation, awarded posthumously, to Howard Gilmore, skipper of the USS Growler. Comdr. Gilmore
gave his last order to the officer of the deck, "Take her down." while still on the bridge, to avoid loss of
the submarine.
Model of the CSS Hunley
The crew visited the "real" CSS Hunley at the Friends of the Hunley museum in
Charleston, SC, during the 2010 RAYunion.
"Request permission to come aboard."
(l-r) Annie and Bill Grey (1986-1989), Mike Hylton (1983-1987).
Qual question #1: Remember where the USS Ray (SSN-653) ship's bell was stowed while underway?
On the forward side of the helm control bulkhead.
Qual question #2: Where is the USS Ray (SS-271) bell?
A church in Kyoto, Japan calls its congregation to worship with the bell. The bell, from the
submarine USS RAY was purchased for the church, and was transported to Yokosuka, Japan by
another submarine, the USS RONQUIL.
We entered the boat into the forward torpedo room.
View looking aft from inside the forward torpedo room through the hatch into officer's country above the forward battery
The visitor access stairs, which did not exist in the original boat, take advantage of the torpedo loading hatch.
Chief Torpedoman (SS) James Franklin Jordan
On Eternal Patrol.
Chief Jordan was the only fatality on the USS Drum during its operation.
He was found dead in the No. 1 main ballast tank on July 25, 1952.
Sailor rest your oar.
Mark 14 torpedo.
Entering "Officer Country" above the forward battery compartment. This is the wardroom pantry.
One of the officer berthing compartments.
Aft end of the wardroom with the period pieces.
Desk in the officer berthing compartment.
More berthing.
The Goat Locker (Chief's quarters.)
Entering the Control Room.
The "Christmas Tree": Not quite Green Board (rigged for dive.)
Note only vent & flood valves (no penetrations like current day BCP)
The OBA (oxygen breathing apparatus) didn't change much between WW2 and our days on the USS Ray.
Ladder up to the conn.
Main steering in the Conning Tower.
Note the alarms above the steering: (l-r) Yellow battle stations/general alarm, Red collision/flooding alarm,
Green dive alarm.
I couldn't find the missile or propulsion plant casulty alarms!
Continuing aft, toward the After Battery compartment.
Galley in After Battery Compartment.
Continuing aft, upon entering the After Battery compartment you are greeted by the ICE CREAM MACHINE!
Bunks in the After Battery Compartment.
Ship's laundry in the After Battery Compartment.
The forward engine room.
Entering the after engine room.
Maneuvering in the after engine room.
Maneuvering in the after engine room.
Maneuvering in the after engine room.
The After Torpedo Room.
Joe Dow (1977-1978), a Torpedoman, at home in his domain!
This next batch of 64 photos were taken by Joe White on Friday, May 20, 2022, in the Hospitality Suite at the Holiday Inn
after we returned from the USS Alabama Battleship Memorial Park. Crewmembers reminisced about the "good 'ole days."
Left-click on any thumbnail to view the full-resolution picture.
A toast to you!
(Clockwise around the Plankowner's table) Jack Golz (1966-1968), Thom (Lt) Rossa (1966-1970) (retired as Capt.),
Kenny Hicks (1966-1968) Raymundo Morales (1966-1969), Owen (Coyote) Carlson (1966-1969), Dolores Carlson,
Sylvia Hicks, Stephanie Makus.
The raffle table.
Patrick (Captain) Lawless (1986-1989) (Cdr, retired Capt.).
Pat Lawless, Bill Grey (1986-1989), Paul (Crill Monster) Crilley (1989-1990), Ed Daley (1987-1991).
(l-r) David Dougal (1986-1988) & Bill Crabtree (1985-1988).
(l-r) David Dougal (1986-1988) & Bill Crabtree (1985-1988).
(l-r) Troy Eubank (1983-1987) & James (Sgt Rock) Huyge (1980-1986).
(l-r) Chuck (XO) Trahan (1985-1989) (LCdr, retired Cdr), Larry Fries (1983-1987)
and Patrick (Captain) Lawless (1986-1989) (Cdr, retired Capt.).
(l-r) George (Eng) Koucheravy (1985-1988) (retired Capt.) & Bill Grey (1986-1989).
(l-r) Bill Grey (1986-1989), George (Eng) Koucheravy (1985-1988) (retired Capt.), Troy Eubank (1983-1987) &
Plankowner Owen (Coyote) Carlson (1966-1969).
(l-r) Blaine (Bombur) Winn (1984-1987) & Veronica Winn.
Thanks to Blaine Winn's wife, Veronica, who set up a snack table each afternoon that was enjoyed by the crew.
(l-r) Dan Marks (1974-1978) & David Dougal (1986-1988).
Fresh donuts that were brought in each morning.
Keeping the beverages stocked was a challenge for this crowd, but we did well.
(l-r) At the Plankowners table: Stephanie Makus & Jack Golz (1966-1968), Alice (AJ) Eanes &
Imants (Mickey) Baltgavis (1966-1968).
(l-r) Grace Koucheravy, George (Eng) Koucheravy (1985-1988) (retired Capt.) &
Patrick (Captain) Lawless (1986-1989) (Cdr, retired Capt.)
(l-r) Tim Hayes (1983-1987), Larry Fries (1983-1987), Angel Angleberger (Wive's Ombudsman, 1984-1987),
Jeff Angleberger (1982-1987).
(l-r) Bob Buehl (1979-1984), Bobby Fundis (1975-1980), Linda Fundis, Greg (Chew) Howson (1976-1979).
Nancy Schueller.
(l-r) Carl Strukley (1975-1980), Rich Stump (1976-1977), Brandon Stump.
Thanks to Blaine Winn's wife, Veronica, who set up a snack table each afternoon that was enjoyed by the crew.
Thanks to Blaine Winn's wife, Veronica, who set up a snack table each afternoon that was enjoyed by the crew.
Thanks to Blaine Winn's wife, Veronica, who set up a snack table each afternoon that was enjoyed by the crew.
Thanks to Blaine Winn's wife, Veronica, who set up a snack table each afternoon that was enjoyed by the crew.
Not many crewmembers seemed to appreciate the "Nuke Waste" from the Horse & Cow, a
submariner bar on the west coast and Guam! Maybe you need to be a West Coast sailor to appreciate it
and the Ray was always on the East Coast for its entire life!
Not many crewmembers seemed to appreciate the "Nuke Waste" from the Horse & Cow, a
submariner bar on the west coast and Guam! Maybe you need to be a West Coast sailor to appreciate it
and the Ray was always on the East Coast for its entire life!
Clark (Nelly) Nelson (1974-1977).
(l-r) James (JJ or Bo) Jeffers (1974-1977) & Lon Bymers (1978-1980).
(l-r) Stephanie Makus & Plankowner Bob Kinney (1966-1972).
Plankowner Ray (Ray J) Hawes (1966-1969).
(l-r) Dr. Russ McWey (Lt) (1975-1979), Carl Strukley (1975-1980) & Ron (Eng) Deering (1976-1980) (LCDR, retired Capt.)
(l-r) Plankowner Ray (Ray J) Hawes (1966-1969), Bruce (Racy Bruce) Wayman (1969-1973), Plankowner Bob Kinney (1966-1972).
(l-r) Rich Stump (1976-1977), Brandon Stump.
(l-r) Plankowner Raymundo Morales (1966-1969) & Michael Webster (1977-1978).
This next batch of 70 photos were taken by Joe White during the morning and afternoon of Saturday, May 21, 2022, in the Hospitality Suite
prior to the Banquet. Crewmembers continued to reminisce about the "good 'ole days."
Left-click on any thumbnail to view the full-resolution picture.
Greg (Chew) Howson (1976-1979).
BZ to Greg (Chew) Howson (1976-1979) who coordinated the entire raffle.
(l-r) Daniel Fuqua (1986-1990), Charles Hughey (1989-1989), Bill Grey (1986-1989) & Tim Hayes (1983-1987).
Chuck (XO) Trahan (1985-1989) (LCdr, retired Cdr)
Tim Hayes (1983-1987).
Ed (Doc) Potts (1978-1981).
Lon Bymers (1978-1980).
Alice (AJ) Eanes & Plankowner Imants (Mickey) Baltgavis (1966-1968).
(l-r) John (Andy) Anderson (1975-1980) & Lynette Anderson.
Joe Dow (1977-1978).
John Frost (1973-1977).
(l-r) Brian Zartman (1973-1977) & Clark (Nelly) Nelson (1974-1977).
(l-r) Bruce (Lt) Hargus (1974-1978) & Loren Goodridge (1986-1989).
Tom Bowser, our RAYunion Banquet Keynote Speaker came to visit early.
(l-r) Dwight Lowdermilk (1977-1981) & Chris Gamble (1986-1988).
This next batch of 279 photos were taken by Joe White during the 2022 RAYunion Banquet on Saturday evening, May 21, 2022.
Follow this
LINK to see attendees at each table, with names.
Left-click on any thumbnail to view the full-resolution picture.
Dwight Lowdermilk (1977-1981), the 2022 RAYunion Planning Committee Chairman and Banquet Master of Ceremonies
welcomes the crew to the Banquet and introduces the other Planning Committee members: Greg (Chew) Howson (1976-1979),
Dan Marks (1974-1978), Greg (Buf) Stefl (1978-1983) and Blaine (Bombur) Winn (1984-1987).
2022 RAYunion Planning Committee member Greg (Buf) Stefl (1978-1983) in center, rear of photo.
2022 RAYunion Planning Committee member Blaine (Bombur) Winn (1984-1987) waving.
2022 RAYunion Planning Committee member Dan Marks (1974-1978), in center, rear of photo, waving.
2022 RAYunion Planning Committee member Greg (Chew) Howson (1976-1979), in center, rear of photo, rising to the applause.
Dwight also acknowledged the assistance of Plankowner Owen (Coyote) Carlson (1966-1969) to the
2022 RAYunion Planning Committee based on his guidance from experience in coordinating previous RAYunions,
in center, standing & waving.
Our 2022 RAYunion Planning Committee Chairman, Dwight Lowdermilk (1977-1981), welcomes the Keynote Speaker, Tom Bowser, to discuss the
USS Drum (SS-228) history and restoration.
Eddie Harwell (1983-1988).
Tom Bowser accepts impromptu questions from the audience.
Our 2022 RAYunion Planning Committee Chairman, Dwight Lowdermilk (1977-1981), presents Tom Bowser with a USS Ray coffee cup and
a USS Drum flask gift set in appreciation for his giving the Keynote Address. Later, the 2022 RAYunion Planning Committee
donated $1,000 to the USS Drum Restoration Fund.
As an "unbiased" participant, Tom Bowser picks the winning door prize tickets for the raffle. BZ to
Greg (Chew) Howson (1976-1979) who coordinated the entire raffle.
Congratulations to Loren Goodridge (1986-1989) who was the proud winner of the 1/350 scale
USS Ray model built by Don Meadows.
Harry Collins (1969-1971 & 1976-1978).
Eddie Harwell (1983-1988).
(l-r) Scott Oliver (1985-1989), Eddie Harwell (1983-1988) & Troy Eubank (1983-1987).
"The Missing Man" table.
Greg (Chew) Howson (1976-1979) presents the $2,040 collected by the raffle to Dwight Lowdermilk (1977-1981). In addition to allowing the
generous contribution to the USS Drum Restoration Fund, the money will ultimately become "seed money" for
the next RAYunion.
The next segment of the RAYunion Dinner Banquet included some Sea Stories, in this case, by Harry Collins.
Bruce (Racy Bruce) Wayman tells a story about decontaminating a "NUB".
(l-r) Will (Captain) Jordan (1991-1993) & Mary Jordan.
Scott Oliver (1985-1989).
Bruce (Racy Bruce) Wayman calls up Ed (Doc) Potts (1978-1981) to help explain the decontamination steps.
Chris Gamble tells a Sea Story about visiting an adjacent moored British Submarine, having a "few"
beers with their crew.
Chris Gamble mysteriously woke up on the USS Ray the next morning with this ship's jack.
Timmy Johnson tells a Sea Story about how a midnight log entry by Dan Marks got Dan in trouble with Admiral Rickover.
Plankowner Bob Kinney tells his Sea Story.
Ed (Doc) Potts (1978-1981) tells his Sea Story.
Following the 2022 RAYunion Dinner Banquet, a number of group pictures were taken.
Left-click on any thumbnail to view the full-resolution picture.
The Crunch Crew.
(l-r) Joe Dow, Steve Howell, Bobby Fundis, Timmy Johnson, Art Vest behind Timmy, Eben Bailey, John (Andy) Anderson behind Eben,
Greg (Chew) Howson behind Andy, Dr. Russ McWey, Dwight Lowdermilk behind Russ, Rich Stump, Ron Deering behind Rich,
Dan Marks, Bruce Hargus behind Dan, Carl Strukley, Harry Collins, Bob Reeter, Mike Webster.
The Crunch Crew.
(l-r) Thom Rossa, Imants (Mickey) Baltgavis, Owen (Coyote) Carlson, Bob Kinney, Jack Golz, James Blacksher, Ray (Ray J) Hawes,
Kenny Hicks, Raymundo Morales.
ICEX86 Crew.
(l-r) Daniel Fuqua (1986-1990), Luis Garcia (1985-1989), Scott Oliver (1985-1989), Tim Hayes (1983-1987),
(kneeling) Blaine (Bombur) Winn (1984-1987), Bill Crabtree (1985-1988), (kneeling) James (Sgt Rock) Huyge (1980-1986),
George (Eng) Koucheravy (1985-1988), Eddie Harwell (1983-1988), Chuck (XO) Trahan (1985-1989), Jeff Angleberger (1982-1987),
Larry Fries (1983-1987), Bill Grey (1986-1989), Troy Eubank (1983-1987), Mike Hylton (1983-1987).
(l-r) David (Stickybuns) Schueller (1972-1976), Clark (Nelly) Nelson (1974-1977), James (JJ or Bo) Jeffers (1974-1977),
Brian Zartman (1973-1977), Byram (Sam) Salmons (1969-1974), Chuck Weiss (1971-1974).
(l-r) David (Stickybuns) Schueller (1972-1976), Clark (Nelly) Nelson (1974-1977), James (JJ or Bo) Jeffers (1974-1977),
Brian Zartman (1973-1977), Byram (Sam) Salmons (1969-1974), Chuck Weiss (1971-1974).
(l-r) Luis Garcia (1985-1989), Johnathan Morris (1987-1988), Tim Hayes (1983-1987), George (Eng) Koucheravy (1985-1988),
Scott Oliver (1985-1989), Daniel Fuqua (1986-1990), Ed Daley (1987-1991), Blaine (Bombur) Winn (1984-1987),
Chris Gamble (1986-1988), Larry Fries (1983-1987), Bill Grey (1986-1989), James (Sgt Rock) Huyge (1980-1986),
Russ Godwin (1983-1985), Jeff Angleberger (1982-1987), Mike Hylton (1983-1987).
(l-r) Luis Garcia (1985-1989), Johnathan Morris (1987-1988), Tim Hayes (1983-1987), George (Eng) Koucheravy (1985-1988),
Scott Oliver (1985-1989), Daniel Fuqua (1986-1990), Ed Daley (1987-1991), Blaine (Bombur) Winn (1984-1987),
Chris Gamble (1986-1988), Larry Fries (1983-1987), Bill Grey (1986-1989), James (Sgt Rock) Huyge (1980-1986),
Russ Godwin (1983-1985), Jeff Angleberger (1982-1987), Mike Hylton (1983-1987).
(l-r) James (Sgt Rock) Huyge (1980-1986), Blaine (Bombur) Winn (1984-1987) & Daniel Fuqua (1986-1990).
(l-r) James (Sgt Rock) Huyge (1980-1986), Blaine (Bombur) Winn (1984-1987) & Daniel Fuqua (1986-1990).
(l-r) Tim Hayes (1983-1987), Larry Fries (1983-1987), Jeff Angleberger (1982-1987), Daniel Fuqua (1986-1990),
Blaine (Bombur) Winn (1984-1987), James (Sgt Rock) Huyge (1980-1986), Bill Grey (1986-1989).
(l-r) Tim Hayes (1983-1987), Larry Fries (1983-1987), Jeff Angleberger (1982-1987), Daniel Fuqua (1986-1990),
Blaine (Bombur) Winn (1984-1987), James (Sgt Rock) Huyge (1980-1986), Bill Grey (1986-1989).
(l-r) Luis Garcia (1985-1989), Bill Crabtree (1985-1988), Chris Gamble (1986-1988).
(l-r) Luis Garcia (1985-1989), Bill Crabtree (1985-1988), Chris Gamble (1986-1988).
(l-r) Joe White (1987-1990) & George (Eng) Koucheravy (1985-1988) (LCDR, retired Capt.).
(l-r) Joe White (1987-1990) & George (Eng) Koucheravy (1985-1988) (LCDR, retired Capt.).
(l-r) Patrick (Captain) Lawless (1986-1989) (Cdr, retired Capt.) & Joe White (1987-1990).
(l-r) Patrick (Captain) Lawless (1986-1989) (Cdr, retired Capt.) & Joe White (1987-1990).
(l-r) Pat & Patrick (Captain) Lawless (1986-1989) (Cdr, retired Capt.) & Bill Grey (1986-1989).
(l-r) Bobby Fundis (1975-1980) & Linda Fundis.
(l-r) Greg (Buf) Stefl (1978-1983), Dwight Lowdermilk (1977-1981), Bob Buehl (1979-1984),
George (Eng) Koucheravy (1985-1988) (retired Capt.), James (Sgt Rock) Huyge (1980-1986),
Loren Goodridge (1986-1989), Blaine (Bombur) Winn (1984-1987) & Larry Fries (1983-1987).
(l-r) Dwight Lowdermilk (1977-1981), Greg (Buf) Stefl (1978-1983), Bob Buehl (1979-1984),
George (Eng) Koucheravy (1985-1988) (retired Capt.), James (Sgt Rock) Huyge (1980-1986),
Loren Goodridge (1986-1989), Blaine (Bombur) Winn (1984-1987), Larry Fries (1983-1987) &
Eddie Harwell (1983-1988).
(l-r) Dwight Lowdermilk (1977-1981), Greg (Buf) Stefl (1978-1983), Bob Buehl (1979-1984),
George (Eng) Koucheravy (1985-1988) (retired Capt.), James (Sgt Rock) Huyge (1980-1986),
Loren Goodridge (1986-1989), Blaine (Bombur) Winn (1984-1987), Larry Fries (1983-1987) &
Eddie Harwell (1983-1988).
(l-r) Dwight Lowdermilk (1977-1981), Greg (Buf) Stefl (1978-1983), Bob Buehl (1979-1984),
George (Eng) Koucheravy (1985-1988) (retired Capt.), James (Sgt Rock) Huyge (1980-1986),
Loren Goodridge (1986-1989), Blaine (Bombur) Winn (1984-1987), Larry Fries (1983-1987) &
Eddie Harwell (1983-1988).
(l-r) Dwight Lowdermilk (1977-1981), Greg (Buf) Stefl (1978-1983), Bob Buehl (1979-1984),
George (Eng) Koucheravy (1985-1988) (retired Capt.), James (Sgt Rock) Huyge (1980-1986),
Loren Goodridge (1986-1989), Blaine (Bombur) Winn (1984-1987), Larry Fries (1983-1987) &
Eddie Harwell (1983-1988).
(l-r) Dwight Lowdermilk (1977-1981), Greg (Buf) Stefl (1978-1983), Bob Buehl (1979-1984),
George (Eng) Koucheravy (1985-1988) (retired Capt.), James (Sgt Rock) Huyge (1980-1986),
Loren Goodridge (1986-1989), Blaine (Bombur) Winn (1984-1987), Larry Fries (1983-1987) &
Eddie Harwell (1983-1988).
The 2022 RAYunion Planning Committee.
(l-r) Greg (Buf) Stefl (1978-1983), Blaine (Bombur) Winn (1984-1987), Dwight Lowdermilk (1977-1981),
Dan Marks (1974-1978) & Greg (Chew) Howson (1976-1979).
Advisory assistance also credited to Owen (Coyote) Carlson due to his experience with previous RAYunions.
The 2022 RAYunion Planning Committee.
One of the door prizes.
(l-r) Eddie Harwell (1983-1988) & Daniel Fuqua (1986-1990).
And finally, a few miscellaneous other photos taken by Joe White.
Left-click on any thumbnail to view the full-resolution picture.
Monday, 5/23/2022.
The 2022 RAYunion is over and most everyone has gone home except the Planning Committee members, Dwight Lowdermilk (1977-1981),
Greg (Chew) Howson (1976-1979), Dan Marks (1974-1978), Greg (Buf) Stefl (1978-1983) and Blaine (Bombur) Winn (1984-1987),
who spent a few more days packing and cleaning up.
Monday, 5/23/2022.
The 2022 RAYunion is over and most everyone has gone home except the Planning Committee members, Dwight Lowdermilk (1977-1981),
Greg (Chew) Howson (1976-1979), Dan Marks (1974-1978), Greg (Buf) Stefl (1978-1983) and Blaine (Bombur) Winn (1984-1987),
who spent a few more days packing and cleaning up.
Monday, 5/23/2022.
The 2022 RAYunion is over and most everyone has gone home except the Planning Committee members, Dwight Lowdermilk (1977-1981),
Greg (Chew) Howson (1976-1979), Dan Marks (1974-1978), Greg (Buf) Stefl (1978-1983) and Blaine (Bombur) Winn (1984-1987),
who spent a few more days packing and cleaning up.