Salute to the USS Ray
SS/SSR-271 & SSN-653

Interested in another USS Ray reunion?  Click HERE

A sad note:
Ex-USS Ray entered the scrapping dock on 7 Oct 2002.

On July 30, 2003 Scrapping was completed.
The RC is packaged and will be delivered to Hanford Washington for burial.

This is all that is left...

Click on the star  star.gif (115 bytes) or photograph to go to the related pages...



ssr271smal.jpg (4128 bytes) 653inactsmal.jpg (9919 bytes) 1967


star.gif (115 bytes) USS Ray SS-271, SSR 271
Information about the 271 boat
includes reunion information!

star.gif (115 bytes) USS Ray SSN-653
Information about the 653 boat

star.gif (115 bytes) Take a look at the USS Ray Crew List

Anyone associated in any way with either USS Ray is eligible to be listed.  
Crew members, contractors, riders, dependants cruise, yard workers....

To get listed, send me an email with rate, dates, and email address.

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ver: 13 Mar 2009 20:06