Email from Tony Williams  9/23/2009

To all Ray sailors, family, and friends,

Thanks for everyone's replies and interest.  I have recently added some guys to the email distribution so there may be some repeat information.


We now have 330 Ray sailors on email distribution.  We have ~575 names in the data base, would like to get more emails/contact info.  As stated before, because our data base already contains 200+ names with no contact information, I am not going to add names to the data base without contact info.  If you are in contact with someone, send me an email with the contact info.  In this same subject matter area, continue to compile names even if you do not have contact info.  Greg 'Chew' Howson is going to (sometime in the future) make an effort to research the names through some internet provided service. I'll let him explain in more detail as we get nearer to his undertaking.

 Responses to date-

'I'll Be There'-110



That is 169 responses out of the 330 sailors on email distribution.  According to my calculations, that is a ~51% response.  I think (know) we can do better!!  As you might notice Mark Hunt responded and he is working in CHINA!  Seriously, we want to hear from you!!  If you are undecided, take a look at the list of those that will be there and plan to join the fun in Charleston.

The Rayunion will be at the Sheraton in Charleston.  It is at the intersection of I-26 and Montague Ave.  The dates are August 19th-21st.  The hotel is going to provide a web page for us to make our reservations.  Be patient, I'll let you know when that occurs. 

In the last update, I asked for volunteers as historians.  I received an excellent response.  John R. V. Jones (Jonesy) and Chris Gamble have taken on this project.  I have received several email from them and know they are already at work on this project.  If you want to communicate with them, I can provide their email addresses.

NEEDED-I have not gotten a volunteer for compiling our 'Eternal Patrol' shipmates.  Looking for someone to step up.

 Continue to send pics/photos/videos to Rick (Angus) Cowles,

 Bob Reeter has proposed a contest for a mixed drink recipe.  Bob's email,

The rules are very simple,

Three (3) common bar ingredients, beginning with "R", "A", and "Y", the mixture is to be served on the rocks.  (A tribute to the "Crunch Crew"?)

A legible (prefer typed/word processed) recipe should be provided to Bob.

The winner will be decided by those attending and partaking of the drink.  Prizes TBD.

 Also, John (Hap) Hazard ( and Jim Gentry ( are spear heading a Friday afternoon golf outing.  


PRELIMINARY agenda/schedule-

Hospitality Suite/Room-Open Thursday, Friday and Saturday-Specific hours TBD.  (Planning to be open all day, except during other specific scheduled events).

Thursday-Registration.  Meet and greet.  No scheduled/planned activities.  Sign-up for Friday evening 'dine around'.


1000-1130-Hunley Tour-Estimated cost $20.00/person

1200-1700-Golf Outing

1700-1800-Light hors d'oeuvres-Estimated cost $10.00/person

1830-Dine Around


1700-Memorial Service

1800-Banquet/Buffet Dinner with cash bar-Estimated cost $50.00/person


Afternoon Picnic at the Nelm's estate

Remember this is still PRELIMINARY.


Scholarship Fund-Several guys have made a suggestion of establishing a fund for those that might need a helping hand financially to make it to the reunion.  NEEDED-A volunteer to handle this fund (contributions/disbursements). 

I have gotten some questions about ball caps and other Ray gear.  We do not have a 'ship's store'.  There are several places on the internet to get gear (caps, patches, pins, shirts, vests, etc, etc....).

If there is enough interest, I will look into getting some stuff to sell but I need to know an interest level.  Therefore, I need feedback.  I think the ball caps and patches are doable without too much trouble.

 Everyone take care!!

 Tony (TD) Williams