If you have any
photos or sea stories, lets post them
here as a tribute to the old Ray Boat!
Remember When:
Remember the song
"What's big and black and ain't comin back, The Ray, The Ray, The Ray"
She always did come back though...
and the Submarine Song
Which is too raunchy and too classified to post here....
it was sung for the ladies of the Navy League at Cape Canaveral
on Ray's 3rd birthday. Really, we didn't know they were in the wardroom...
But, what can you expect from a three year old?
Thanks to the Nuke who got appendicitis, we got to pull in and drink beer...
remember when "Duo Stonus Max" (CDR J S Hurt)
was presented with the wheel barrow plaque made by the MM's
ComSubLant saw the Duo Stonus Max flag and said
"Looks like you had a good patrol John!". Yes we certainly did!
NUC, NEM, CDR Hurt got The Legion of Merit
When the Tasty Creme Donut man pulled the topside watch "squeaky" out of the drink.
The TM found sea weed in the topside watches 45! (he was not happy...)
The long lines of visitors in Ft Lauderdale, Florida. We got treated good!
The sign on the back side of Number One Periscope:
"Mr Ryan. When using No 1 scope, please use other side"
"Con - Sonar! Did someone light off some rotating machinery?"
Shaky "Got a Tone!" Jake
"Sounds like a Duck on a pigs back"
Jake makes the Sonarman in "Hunt for Red October" look like an amateur.
Joe "One hung Low" Detloff
ASW OPS with the P3-C's
We had to run at 100' with external lights on.
With constant course and speed so they could find us.
The P3's were new. When they used their interphone, they keyed the radio also.
We new they were frustrated...
Drinking dolphins in Scotland. (I don't remember that)
Holy Loch - All those "Cooks" came aboard with diplomatic
They had a new receipe book.. ;-)
Playing ASW Ops with skimmers off Bermuda
We got through, the Charlie Class didn't!
Jean Dixon, astrologer, said a Nuclear Submarine leaving Norfolk on
friday the 13th (Feb 1970) would not return.
That was USS Ray. She did return, she always did!
Some ET dropped a classified message over the side the night before
The divers from the tender were not happy... but they found it!
Harry "the Navigator" Collins
He actually used to be non-qual and very shy!
I understand the chief got a new nickname during his second tour aboard Ray.
When Harry reported as QM3(SU) he was trapped topside by the greeter.
"Come on guys, Gentlemen don't act like that"
Only officers are gentlemen Harry.
I understand Harry is now a gentleman. LT Collins USNR.
When you come aboard
"If there is anything that bothers you, it won't when you leave!"
TMC(SS) "Pappy" Holmes. (RIP)
The Torpedo Room
Bilge wine, private movies, riders, non-quals, water slugs, sea stories
Mid-Patrol night and Gilly
Suddenly the Mormons had lots of friends offering to take their ration of Gilly.
Damn we had good cooks!
The first time this Oklahoma boy had Steak and Lobster was on USS Ray!
Cooks Night Out
2nd class won because of the hostess and menu's
photo's posted on the archive, but not all of the photos. ;-)
OD: "Topside! How far to the Green Room"
Topside "I'd say less than 300 yards sir!"
OD: "You two are restricted to within 300 yards of the boat!"
Where is your story?
Do you know the difference
a Sea Story and a Fairy Tale?
A Fairy Tale starts with: "Once upon a time"
A Sea Story starts with: "Now this is a No sh1tt@r!"
A note to my mother.... No, that is not me in any of those stories... ;-)
to the USS Ray home page.....
ver: 18 Jan 2006