USS Ray Commissioning Party!

These photographs were taken at the commissioning party of
USS Ray (SSN653), April 12, 1967.

The party was held at the NCO Club at Langley AFB, Hampton, Virginia.

The pictures: were taken and provided by
OD Carlson (now) STCM(SS) ret..

STS3(SS) & Mrs. Russell R. Chalk; His parents, ST1(SS) Bill Dawson

ST1(SS) & Mrs Bill Dawson, and Mrs Wm Bittner. (Mother of OD Carlson, now STCM(SS) ret)

LT and Mrs Norm Emerson, Weps Officer

ET1(SS) & Mrs George Gillespie
(near) and ET1(SS) & Mrs Tom Snowdy

EN1(SS) and Mrs Ken Hicks (A-Ganger); SCR(SS) Steve Jones. r. TMC(SS) Lewis G. Holm, Commissioning Crew COB, Alias "Old Boats", alias "Pappy". RIP....

FTC(SS) & Mrs Gail Litten (L-cen) and RMC(SS) & Mrs Ed Arsenault LT & Mrs John Cox, Sonar Officer

Status as of about 1996:
Lew Holm died in a car crash while on leave in 1971, he was ready to retire.
Lt Cox and Lt Emerson each retired as CAPT, USN;
Emerson lives in the Puget Sound area.
Russ Chalk is in trucking in Oklahoma
George Gillespie's wife died a year or two ago, he still works at EB in Groton CT.
Ed Arsenault is also in the Groton area.
Gail Litten retired & is working in computer services in the Williamsburg, VA area.
Bill Dawson STSCS(SS), USN(Ret) is working submarine support contracts in the New London CT area.
Ken Hicks MMCM(SS), USN(Ret.) is living in the Puget Sound area.

Once again, STCM(SS) "Coyote" Carlson has provided us with a valuable piece of USS Ray history. Thank you for sharing these photographs with us, from the crew of USS Ray!

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Ver: 18 Jan 2006 21:06